Sunday, August 28, 2016

A lovely spot to sit

When we were in Sydenham painting this summer, I found this rustic pergola beside a stream. It was definitely in someone's large backyard and for the best view I had to trespass. I decided to see if the owners were home, but before I could knock on the door, painters showed themselves. They had been contracted to paint the exterior of the house while the occupants were away on holidays. After a frustrating conversation where they thought we wanted to paint the pergola, and what were we going to use, latex or acrylic, and they didn't have any ladders to reach the top, because they were using them all.........I got my point across; I wanted to paint a picture of the pergola......because I was an artist. We all had a good laugh and they said go ahead. I found a lovely spot in the overgrown garden and "went ahead". Even though I was in full shade there was very little breeze in Sydenham and it was hot work. I finished much of the painting at home in the a/c. 

This was painted with oils on an 11x14 board and sells for $175
If you want to buy this or any other painting on my blog, I can be reached at

Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Napanee River

Wednesday was hot again but our group of dedicated outdoor artists were at the small hamlet of Newburg to paint the Napanee River; and paint we did. Because of the drought that we have had all summer, the river was shallow and easy to wade in to get the best vantage point. We all enjoyed our morning, but by 11:00 I was searching for the shade from the brilliant light of the sun bouncing off the river. Most of my oil painting was done from my photo reference at home the next day.
When lunchtime came, some walked into Newburg to try the bakery for lunch. The sandwiches looked delicious. We didn't hang around very long after lunch because the sun was beating down and the shady spots were getting smaller. Newburg is one little village that I will have to revisit. 
Here is my attempt on an 11x14 board with oil paint. Hope you enjoy it.

This painting and all the paintings on my blog are for sale. This one is $175.

If you are interested in this painting or any others on my blog you can contact me at

Friday, August 12, 2016

Hollyhock corner in Portsmouth village

Wednesday, we painted in Portsmouth village in Kingston. It was one of the hottest days of the very hot days we've had this summer. I painted for about two hours and then had had enough of the heat. The humidity made it feel even hotter and I left at about 11:30. This is the first time in ten years I have left because of the weather conditions. I worked at home in the a/c on the remainder of the painting. Here is the result on an 11x14 board.

For sale $175
If you are interested in purchasing this or any other painting on my blog, please contact me at