Thursday, October 10, 2013

A rainy Day

This was a Wednesday paint out day when the weather just did not cooperate. No sunshine just rain, wind and clouds. I think the painting reflects the weather conditions. We arrived at a small park, called Floating Bridge, early in the morning (about 9:00), and parked beside the outhouse. When I organize these Paint Outs I always try to make sure there are washroom facilities for everyone. This day I outdid myself. This park had a newly built concrete block outhouse. There was a men's and a woman's so it was quite large. I thought we were all set. I forgot to factor in my calculations that the township that cleans the outhouses in the parks had not emptied this one in a very long time. I will leave the rest to your imagination. Needless to say, only the very desperate used this facility that day. 
There was  a large covered pavilion with four picnic tables where we set up our equipment to paint. This meant we were out of the rain but the view was very limited. I chose this boathouse on the opposite shore of Lake Ontario and through the rain and wind attempted to capture the scene. This was one time when I used my "artistic license"!!

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