Thursday, July 28, 2016

Parrott Bay Conservation Area

 On Wednesday this week we painted at the conservation area close by, on Taylor Kidd. The high way was busy and the noise of passing traffic seemed a little too loud, but, as we entered the conservation area with its dense cedar forest the noise of traffic disappeared. We followed the path deeper into the trees and the silence was wonderful. We heard the birds and the breeze blowing through the branches.  
We were surrounded by the forest, the world slipped away. I  had forgotten how quiet it was. I found a spot on the path and started to paint. In a few hours I was finished. The painting seemed to paint itself.
I looked up and there was the owl, again. He had been watching from the same branch as I set up and then he had flown away. He made eye contact with me both times and I guess he wanted to see the final result. I wondered, as I packed up, if he approved.
I have included a photo of the Barred Owl, looking at me, just in case you didn't believe me.
  Here is the view from my easel and here is the owl. The painting only, is for sale for $175

 As usual the oil painting, on an 11x14 canvas, is for sale, and if you are interested you can reach me at 

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful painting - Love the composition!

