Saturday, March 21, 2015

Heavenly Biscuit

This business thrives, as you can see, in a small house. Last year there were five or six tables inside, the bakery and order desk and cash. As you can see there are small tables on the small porch and most people stand. The fire department didn't like all this, wonder why, and this year they had to change a few things. Now you line up, outside, beside the building, on their new ramp. The door must be kept closed. When it is your turn you go in, order what you want, pay, help yourself to coffee and sit wherever you can, usually outside since now they only have two tables inside and a bigger kitchen. In spite of all the fire code regulations they have kept their charm, which is mainly friendly service, crowded conditions for customers, which means everyone chats with everyone else and has fun. 
I painted across the road from the Heavenly Biscuit and all morning there was a steady stream of people willing to stand in line for quite a while, and then devour heavenly biscuits and cinnamon rolls.Everyone obviously enjoyed their visit. I decided to take my turn in line, when it was quite short, only about eight customers. I left my painting, on the easel, since it was done, and lined up. When I got to the door, a gust of wind caught the easel and it all went over. I think I whispered something and ran and picked everything up. I went back over and the people in front of me in line said, Here we saved your spot.. At the order desk!  Wonderful. The cinnamon bun was about four inches across and two inches deep and full of cinnamon, brown sugar and butter. It was heavenly!!!


1 comment:

  1. Hazel.. Enjoyed your paintings (and visits with "Beach Folk" )
    The snow is disappearing fast, nothing to shovel when you get home..go figure !
    I sold your spot at the Tues.Painters...Sorry ! (Will sell it to you..with proof of membership.)
    No painting the last week.. Just have a Paul. LOL..

