Sunday, September 15, 2013

An Adventure in England

On Monday, Sept. 16 I am off to England for two weeks. I am taking my watercolour paints and if I have time to sit and paint I may post the results on my blog. Otherwise I will update my space in two weeks. ENJOY!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Wilton Pottery, Side Door

This is the Wednesday we painted in Wilton, a small  village not far from Kingston. There are some very old limestone homes in and near the village which is surrounded by farm land. There is not much great farmland around Kingston, because of the Canadian Shield and the limestone bedrock; but grazing seems to flourish in the Wilton area. When I was standing in the driveway of Wilton Pottery to paint this, a farmer was cutting his hay in the field behind the buildings. In fact there is a working farmhouse and farm buildings in the village itself. It was a very pleasant morning, even if the temperature was in the fifties. In fact a couple of the artists did their art work inside the car! I was glad I had a jacket and long pants. I do wish I had taken my toque!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Porch to relax on in Bath

This Wednesday morning our Plein Air group was at Amherst Island Ferry Terminal. However it was very busy. Not only was there very limited parking but we had to compete with a large cycle group for the few spaces. Our painting locations, in the shade, were limited, so we decided to go the few kilometers down the highway to Bath. The organizer, of these locations, had not scouted this one out carefully enough. That would be ME! OOPS! We found a lovely little park on the Lake Ontario shore, with flush toilets,( what a luxury) and plenty of shade. I settled in to paint this lovely old home with a great, cozy porch. There were blue spruces beside the house that gave it additional character too. It seemed perfect. And then the road construction started. They had a bulldozer and a back hoe and they were less than a block away. What a racket! ALL Morning. They didn't even take a coffe break. Sorry, yes the men did, but they left the equipment running. The porch on this house looked more and more appealing, to curl up in. But only on a quieter day!