Monday, April 29, 2013

Laundry Day

This is my first attempt on returning to Ontario. Somehow it's a hard transition , in terms of the light, from Florida to Ontario. The days here have been cloudy, windy and cool. I think this is reflected in my painting. The colours are subdued and the values are on the lower end of the scale; they somehow match my moods and the weather. As the weather changes and spring comes, my paintings will change too. For the better, I hope.
This cabin at the end of the road, was painted from a photo, in the studio.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Back to my Studio

Any photos I have of Ontario or Kingston landscapes, look depressing with my memories of Florida still so fresh in my mind. I think I will still paint some scenes of Florida until our landscapes here become more green. We have been so busy doing tasks related to getting home and getting the house back to normal that my painting has suffered. Maybe this week I can paint again...............Hpefully!

Home Again

It is great to be back in Canada. Kingston, Ontario never looked so good. As we drove north, it was depressing to see the change in the landscapes. Deciduous trees had full, green leaves in northern Florida. In Georgia, wisteria vines were blooming in many of the trees on the roadside. The trees were starting to turn green and the azalea bushes were blooming. Lovely reds and oranges were along peoples driveways. As the miles went by and the states passed, the landscape became more and more wintry. In the Syracuse area there was snow on the ground, but that disappeared as we kept driving north. Thank goodness there was only snow on the dark sides of the hills in Ontario. When we pulled into our driveway after a wonderful cup of Timmy's, there was no snow, but the buds on the trees were shivering in the cold. Oh Canada!