Saturday, September 24, 2016

Hollyhocks on Bethel Road

When we were returning from a paint out at Marions farm one Wednesday, we passed this old limestone home sitting on the corner of Bethel Road and County Road 6 . The hollyhocks were way past their prime but we could tell, if they had been blooming, they would have been beautiful. We stopped the car and I took a few photos of the home. I was excited to paint it, thinking already how I could add to the colour of the house with just a shade of the the flowers. I wanted the painting to glow with the hollyhocks colour and when I added the sunlight to the house, I knew I had what I wanted. If you look closely you may be able to see a little peach in the sky and in the front lawns. I think this pulled the whole painting together and I'm very pleased with the result. I'll have to try more of these where I combine my love of flowers with the challenges of house perspectives in landscapes. 

                         Foe sale $250
                                                                                                                     16x20 canvas

If you are interested in purchasing any of the paintings on my blog, I can be contacted at

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Gan River

One Wednesday morning our Outdoor Painting group met at the Gananoque Inn in Gananoque. The Inn was very accommodating and gave us use of their beautiful landscaped grounds which are right on the Gan. River. It certainly was very hot and humid, but we found a spot down on the shore of the river, where there was a breeze off Lake Ontario. We settled in for a nice morning in this shady location and this oil painting seemed to paint itself. I loved the reflections off the water and the boats sparkling. While painting we kept our eyes open for any person of authority walking our way, since we had walked past one, maybe two,no  trespassing signs on our way to the shoreline. No one questioned us, and if they had, we were going with the story that it is always better to ask forgiveness than permission. Do you agree?

                  For sale $175
If you are interested in purchasing any paintings on my blog, you can contact me at

Saturday, September 3, 2016

In Wilton

Our last morning to paint outside and it started by raining, heavily. We set off at 8:15 and by the time the Wilton road came along the rain had gone . There was still heavy clouds and a good breeze but when we found this shed, we knew we would have a good morning. Three of us settled in, and only once did the clouds open up, and we had a short shower. I enjoyed using the oils on the 16x20 canvas.


For sale $250
If you would like to purchase this painting or any other painting on my blog please contact me at