Saturday, December 27, 2014

Bay Beach Access

This is my favourite beach Accees point on Ft. Myers Beach. The tide pools, created by high tides, are populated by migrating sea birds and are a protected area. There are less people walking on the beach and there is ample shade under a spreading sea grape tree, to paint for the morning. This was created on a 12x24 canvas.


Friday, December 26, 2014

Using Artistic License

I have not been very happy with the painting of Newton Cottage, and decided to change the colour of the cottage. Here is the revised painting. I wonder what you think?


Friday, December 12, 2014

An Historic Cottage on Ft. MyersBeach

I have spent the morning painting outside on Ft. Myers Beach. I rode my adult trike to a  beach Access point and spent the morning there. Unusual for this area it was not sunny, but cloudy. That was an advantage this morning since there was not much shade. What a great morning. I was surrounded by Florida vegetation and looking at a cottage which had been refurbished by the County and closely resembled the original. It has a Florida room, on the beach side, and like our big porches it was fully screened in. Palm trees and beach vegetation surrounded the cottage. Even Sea Oats were there and many kinds of grasses. There was a construction crew building a sea wall and  the workers dropped by my spot quite often to check on my progress. They all liked the finished painting so I have included a photo of it here. It's on an 11x14 board.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

On Loon Lane

This oil painting was done from a photo  that was taken when we painted on Loon Lane during the summer months. This was one location that I was looking forward to since the year before I had been delighted with the lane way and various rustic sheds and buildings. I set up to paint during the summer paint out in this spot. I was excited by the Lane, those buildings, and the sunlight. My notan was looking very good and I was looking forward to the actual painting. Things did not turn out as I had planned. The nearly finished painting was scraped off. What a wet, uninspired mess it was. Now the end of November and I thought I was ready to attack the scene again. This is the result. I am very pleased with the painting, the second time around.


Thursday, November 20, 2014


One of the things I have always enjoyed sketching or painting is flowers. My favourite of all those flowers is pansies.  As a change from painting landscapes or doing collage I always return to pansies; to this lovely little flower with its delicate, colorful petals and wonderful, unique centre. Here are some yellow pansies on an 11x14 board.


Friday, November 14, 2014

Beside the Lake

This painting has the same feel as the previous  one of a cabin beside a stream. It looks like a wonderful place to stay, curl up beside the fireplace or sit and look at the lake. I wonder if it's the time of year that I feel like coccooning in a cabin in the woods? Winter is coming and the leaves are nearly all down after a hard frost last night. Time to light the fire. 
This is an oil painting and it was done on a 11x14 board. 


Monday, November 10, 2014


As fall closes in, and winter approaches, the opportunities to paint outside are few and far between. For a change from oils, I have done another collage, this one of daisies. it's made from magazines, computer paper, tissue paper, 3D paint and a very good slathering of Gloss Medium and Varnish. What fun this was, varnish and bits of paper all over the place and the sound of tearing paper. Cruising Oldies from the Fifties filled the background with music and I sang along as the picture developed. It is on a 16x20 canvas and  I hope you enjoy it.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pines by Bartlett Lodge

Last summer we stayed at Bartlett Lodge in Algonquin Park for a few days. What a wonderful, relaxing way to get back to nature. Your own cabin and canoe in the woods surrounded by pines, chipmunks and loons. When you also have three meals a day in the dining room, what could be better. The painting was from a photo taken from the launch as it took us to the island where the Lodge is located.
It is an oil painting on a 16x20 canvas.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


This oil painting was created from a photo reference. The Photo was used as inspiration, and as the work progressed I used more  and more artistic license. The cabin, on the shores of this creek looks cozy and inviting. What a secluded spot to sit, on the porch, and listen to the stream and the birds. I was pleased that a few of the other artists who I paint with, stopped by and commented on the piece to say they would like to live there. I would too. I think that means that Sanctuary, is a good morning's work.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Collins Bay Shoreline

Even though my first love is painting outside, as the seasons change there is less opportunity to get outside, esp. to paint. As a result this painting was done from a photo reference. The photo was taken during the summer when we painted at Riley's Garden Centre. This was done on a 16x20 canvas.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Further Editting

After looking and living with my painting of a backyard, for a few days, I decided a few things needed to be rectified. The large branch that was over hanging the shed was too big and needed to be fixed. As I painted it out, to change, I realized I liked the painting better, without it. I fixed the sky and the background trees and  I like this painting much better. I guess I shouldn't have posted it so quickly.


Friday, October 10, 2014

A Backyard on Edgehill St.

This was painted from a photo reference taken during the summer. As fall sets in, it is nice to bring back the flowers and the greens that were present in all our yards. As the days and nights cool, and the trees start to turn, winter does not seem far away. Why not enjoy the summer splendor once more.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Back Alley

This oil painting was done from a photo reference that was taken during the summer at a plein air session at Bellevue House. I was wandering on the surrounding streets and found so many things to capture with my camera on Edgehill St. This is a photo of a back alley with a garden shed and an old limestone pillar surrounded by hollyhocks. Once again it is painted on an 11x14 board.


A Fall Meadow

This was painted at the edge of a beautiful fall meadow. The sun was behind and to the right and the shadows were wonderful. As you can see the fall colours were glowing and I hope I captured some of the fall feel that was in the air. it was painted on an 11x14 board.


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Three Bums!

This my third in this series, and I think I am learning how to paint the human body ie.bums this time. I finally got the transparent red oxide I needed. The skin tome on this painting is much improved over legs. I will have to continue to play.

This oil painting is on a canvas, 15"x30".

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A House in the City

This was painted from a photo that was taken in the neighborhood of Bellevue House. We painted there during the summer and as I walked the surrounding streets I saw this lovely little house. I liked the path, surrounded with flowers and bushes, leading to the front door and the wonderful geometric shapes in the roof lines. This was fun to paint on an 11x14 board.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Rideau Acres Campground

 This is the photo of a gazebo and Banquet Hall at Rideau Acres Campground. This wonderful spot was our last Paint Out for the year and everyone enjoyed the sunny,warm day and beautiful setting. This is a campground with many differences from other private campgrounds. It sits on the Rideau River, just north of Kingston and has many amenities. We noticed a rental office with bikes, go carts and canoes. Many sites have hydro and other services and the whole park is spotlessly clean and welcoming. We felt very special to be given free admission and the run of the park to paint. Thank you to Rideau Acres Campground for a lovely day.

Monday, September 1, 2014


   This painting was an interesting challenge. With five different sets of legs and various shades of flesh tones combined with tans, there were no end of challenges. here is the finished canvas.                       


Thursday, August 7, 2014

An Ice Cream Shop on Wolfe Is.

Wednesday we painted on Wolfe Is. on a beautiful, sunny day. After having a few cloudy, cool paint outs in a row, we were all happy with the weather. I stayed in Marysville, just where the ferry lets everyone off and saw this lovely little, new shop. I loved the umbrellas and the surrounding houses. here is the finished result done on an 11x14 board.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Friends by the Horse Pasture

For a change of pace and to challenge myself,  I tried two nude models and some horses. As you can see I did not do the lower half of the torso and did not do the horses in much detail. It was a challenge.


The Old Tamarack at Bellevue House

This Wednesday our group painted at Bellevue House. This is the Kingston residency of the first Prime Minister of Canada and his family. What a beautiful setting for this Spanish architecture home, on the shores of Lake Ontario. As Sir John A. waited on his porch for his carriage, he probably glanced over at the lake to see if any ships were coming into Kingston Harbour and maybe he noticed the tamarack or larch tree growing in front of his house. The tree is one of the oldest specimens of a tree of this type in the area and has definitely outlived Sir John A Macdonald. 


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Stream at Babcock Mill

Today being Wednesday we were painting outside at Babcock Mill in Odessa. The weather was not cooperating however; it was totally overcast all morning, with high humidity. There were warnings of thunderstorms in the morning weather forecast as well. In spite of this, we met as usual at 9:00 and chose our own spot to paint. As you can tell from the finished painting, I did not paint the Mill. Instead I looked up the stream from the mill to where the concrete abuttments crossed the water. There was an old pathway across the top of them, but it was closed off. I liked the crossover pathway and the large willow tree, over the stream, so that's what I painted. Luckily, we had only one light, short shower and no thunderstorms. I was especially pleased because I chose to paint under a very large tree.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Riley's Garden Centre

Our group of Plein air artists was at  a garden centre today. It was a perfect morning to paint with just a slight breeze and full sun. The nursery is right on the shoreline of Collins Bay and has been there a long time. The structure was originally a cottage, with a large angel stone fireplace on the lake side. it was this angle that I decided to paint. You can see the old chimney covered with vines and also where the first greenhouse was originally attached to the lake side of the cottage. I wonder how much longer the city will allow the nursery to stay or if it will just fall down on its own.


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Carol Ann's House in Barriefield

About fourteen of us spent the morning Wednesday, painting in Barriefield. I found this wonderful, old house on a side street and fell in love. I knew the perspective would be challenging since the house went down a hill and pieces had been added on over the last 160 years. The old tree in front just added to its character and the charming hanging baskets and railing boxes made it perfect. here is my finished painting on a 11x14 board.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sears Catalogue Pansies

I decided, for a change, to try a collage. using only the Sears Catalogue and Liquitex Gloss Medium and Varnish. it was fun and a nice change from oils. Since it is my first attempt with collage, it is pretty tame. As I continue with this challenge I am going to try to become more abstract and use something more than just the Sears catalogue. there has to be a lot of other things to make it interesting! I guess I will go to U tube. Here is the attempt on a wooden frame.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Rudbeckias and Pansies

Finally our perennials in the garden are starting to bloom. Everyday it seems the plants come to life a little more. The robins, chickadees and grackles have babies and mums and dads are busy feeding the hungry young. Even the chipmunks have three off spring this year. The mummy chipmunk protects her private stash of peanuts that my husband gives her and she fights off any young that get too close to the treasure. The pansies are so colorful and the black eyed Susie's are beautiful. 

Here is the 16x20 painting of summer, in bloom, barely, in our garden.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Old Pine

This painting was done from a photo since the weather here has changed to rain. No fun painting outside in the rain. I liked the composition with the huge rocks on either side and the quiet bay behind. The big pine seems to be watching over the whole scene. Once again it is on an 11x14 board in oils.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

On Wartman Ave., Kingston

We finally have summer weather in Kingston and as a result I spent Sat. afternoon across the road from this beautiful house on Wartman Ave. in Kingston West. Renovations have been finished on the Carriage House and the main house so I spent an enjoyable couple of hours painting. This house is on Lake Ontario and the big fir trees and large oaks give a perfect backdrop to the home. Even the flowering crab trees were in bloom for me. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

My Homemade Plein Air Easel

During the last few weeks I have not posted as many paintings as usual on this blog. I have been busy designing and constructing a plein air easel. I started plein air painting with a full size French easel and soon found it heavy and cumbersome. One of the artists I paint with had a half French easel and he agreed to trade with me when I spoke about my frustrations with the full easel. I used that half French easel for a couple of years but then found that easel too heavy. I did some research on the internet and spoke with other plein air artists and decided on the Open M Box. When I went on line to order it, it was going to cost me about $500 US. I thought this was a bit steep so I decided to make it myself. I had never made anything like this before, in fact I have never used our electric drill , hand saw or mitre board before, so it was a learning experience from the very beginning.

I started with thin plywood for the top and bottom, which Rona cut to size for me. I then bought pine trim for the edges, glued this on, then screwed them in place. My husband found locking hinges, which means that they lock in place once you place them. I secured these, then went back to Rona where I got plexi glass cut to use as my pallett. An artist I paint with suggested that I use a seven day pill dispenser for my oil paints. Using this I would not have to carry my tubes, just fill the dispenser before I left home. It works great, once I got used to it and when I get home I put the pill dispenser in the fridge.

When I was using the newly designed easel I found I needed places to put my brushes, so I drilled holes in the trim around the pallett. I needed some kind of closures to keep the box closed however most of the fasteners were too big. I ended up using window closures. I also found that the board to paint on was too low when it sat on the pallett, so I drilled two holes in the lid and the board rests on those. Carrying the wet painting was an issue as well, but I found trim from some large pieces of press board in Rona's garbage bin and I glued these on the back of the lid, to hold the wet board! 

I purchased a tripod from the camera store and that tripod had a quick release plate at the top. Then I needed somehow to connect the paint box to the tripod. Lowes sells a T nut, which is a fixture with threads in the hole, that the quick release fixture  screws into. I mounted the T nut on 4x4" piece of plywood and screwed this on the bottom of the paint box. Here is the finished "work of art"!!!!!!!
I won't  list all the errors I made. This is just some of the things I learned:
Don't try to screw in screws when the drill is in reverse
Make sure the bit fits the screw before you strip it
Make sure the drill is perpendicular to the screw.
When you saw go straight in and out.
Start a screw hole before you get the drill.
Be open to advise.....don't argue??!! (With people who make suggestions)

Spring Flowers from the Garden

The back garden is finally starting to bloom. For the month of May, the weather has been cool, damp and unsettled. This has meant that working in the garden has been slow. It is now the last few days in May and today it looks like we might have sun all day. At 8:00 am it is 60 degrees and we hope it will warm up today so that we can enjoy the garden. My husband has planted many, varied perennials and most are plants that I can cut blooms from, to bring inside. This is my first arrangement of the season. The yellow and orange gerbera daisies were just planted, along with the mauve columbine. Those sprays of lily of the valley are the first to bloom. This is the week for lilacs, so you can see some of those in the bouquet too. This bouquet is truly a Spring Bouquet, fresh from my garden. It is painted on an 11x14 masonite board.


Friday, May 2, 2014

St. George's and the Pilot House

This was painted from an interesting photo I took in the middle of Johnson St. In Kingston. Needless to say I did not paint this from that location, there was too much traffic, so again it was painted from the photo. It is also too cold yet and the sun has forgotten to shine in southern Ontario, so we are again, indoors. The Pilot House restaurant specializes in seafood and their fish and chips are wonderful. It's an interesting little restaurant and pub with a regular, steady following. St. George's is the Cathedral for the Anglican Diocese here and is a very old building. I think the architect who planned our City Hall, also planned St. George's Cathedral. They have lunch hour concerts during the summer that are very popular.


Grant Hall at Queens University

I enjoyed doing the building with the pansies in front last week, so I decided to paint Hollyhocks beside Grant Hall at Queens this time. This building is where fall convocations take place at Queens and many concerts and assemblies are also held there. When I attended Queens, Grant Hall is where Frosh Week, for the first year students, got started! I remember kneeling in front of second year students and paying them homage, then learning the Queens cheer : Oil THigh!! What great fun initiation is at Queens!, the studying, research, essays...not so much!


The Lone Star Restaurant

This oil painting is also done from a photo as the weather is just not warm enough or sunny enough to paint outside. The Lone Star restaurant is a very popular restaurant in downtown Kingston. It has a large patio in the back which overlooks Lake Ontario and the Holiday Inn. It is called Margaritaville and that drink is their specialty! They do a great Margarita!!

I thought pansies in the foreground added an interesting element, they were certainly more interesting to paint than King St. and the cars that are usually parked in front. I love that artistic license!!


In this painting, I am showing nature in all it's glory, doing what it does best; changing the landscape, as it wishes. Here, a former forest is being returned to swampland. You can see the drowned trunks giving you a glimpse of what it used to be. The swamp seems to be flourishing and healthy. I wonder as I paint, how long it will take for the forest to slowly reappear. 

This was painted on an 11x14 board, from a photograph, inside. Oh I miss plein air! 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Heading Home

The day after tomorrow, we head home. It will be great to see Canada again! It has been a wonderful three months. The weather has been mostly great, with lots of sun and warm, even hot temperatures. Three or four days a week, Paul and I exercise in the mornings. He bikes about 12 miles and I walk the beach, then we meet in the gym, in our building, to do weights. I have painted, outside more than ever before and thoroughly enjoyed every painting session. I've finished 16 and have been fortunate enough to sell 9 paintings. We have met some interesting couples here and went out to dinner with Bonnie and Pat from Gananoque. Who would have guessed. We have  thoroughly enjoyed our time here. Relaxing on our balcony in the afternoon, with a few drinks, has topped off the day. 
I was fortunate enough to get asked to do some modeling, by an artist.  I enjoyed the experience and we ended up buying the finished painting. Now I'm looking for more opportunities to model.
We have found a new condo to rent  next year and are looking forward to it already.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Margie's Mermaid Home

This morning did not start out as a promising day. The sea fog was not on the ground but it hovered just like low clouds that blocked the sun. We were painting at the shrimp fleet and the docks where all the mending of nets happens, the re painting of boats and general maintenance on the fleet. We were in luck because it was the full moon and most of the shrimp boats were unloading their catch, restocking the boat and preparing to leave until the next full moon. It was very busy on the docks, needless to say, so everyone found a spot to paint quickly and got set up. I had noticed some clearing of brush had happened on a neglected back road, behind the docks, so I went to investigate. I found this house, Margie's Mermaid House. I fell in love with it. I had to paint it. A fellow artist said there were bad dogs on that road and not to paint by myself there. Well, I had to paint there, everyone else was busy at the docks, so I set up. There was a Beware of Dog sign on the ground, which I put my bag on. I thoroughly enjoyed painting for a few hours, with no bad dogs, and then the sun shone through the fog. I added the highlights and was done. Then the owner pulled up in her truck. I met Margie. She was less than five feet tall, and very outgoing. She asked if I would like a tour of the inside. OF COURSE I would. What a wonderful little gem it is inside. It has 850 sq. ft.  and her brother and her had gutted the inside and started the renovations from scratch. It seemed very spacious with open ares for the living room, dining room and kitchen. Every wall area had built in bookshelves filled with mermaids, fish and boat memorabilia. Even in the bathroom, the window trim was covered with shells. Then there was her orchid collection on the back porch in full bloom!!  Her back patio had rattan chairs and mermaid fountains. INCREDIBLE!! What a delightful, unique home! 


A Wonderful Day on the Beach

I think this painting shows what a wonderful day it can be on the beach. it is on a 12x24board.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Umbrellas on Fort Myers Beach

Here is a sample of my favourite thing to see on the beach! Umbrellas!! I love the colours, the shapes, the shade and the whole idea of spending some time doing nothing, but being under the umbrella, on the beach!


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Time Square in Ft. Myers Beach

This Wed. morning we were painting at Time Square which is the main area where tourists access the beach. Pedestrian traffic was brisk and most of us were lucky enough to sell at least one painting. It made for an interesting morning of painting, with people chatting, asking questions and generally being a nuisance, of a nice kind. This view shows the walkway to the fishing pier and the adjacent stores.


Fish Tale Marina

When we were painting at Fish Tale marina, I noticed a parking lot at the other side of the canal. This spot seemed to give a better view of the main marina store and tour boats, so this week I found the parking lot and painted this view of Fish Tale Marina Store.


Monday, March 3, 2014

The Nao Victoria

One of the tall ships has moored in Fort Myers Beach!  This is the Nao Victoria, the ship that took Magellan and his crew around the world in the1500's. Imagine facing not just the Atlantic but also the Pacific Ocean in this small boat. The expedition of course, took three years. I cannot imagine how everyone coped in such crowded conditions. It must have floated like a cork on the waves. Unbelievable! I wonder if the crew ever really got over their fear of falling off the edge of the world? Oh, I know Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, BUT, I think that fear would have stayed throughout the voyage, in spite of the fact that they knew the world was round........?
Well, here it is painted in oils on a 12x24 board.


Friday, February 28, 2014

Big, Bigger, Biggest

Here is the finished painting on a 11x14 board. This is a very busy marina and boats are constantly coming and going. I was very lucky these three stayed. By the way, the biggest was definitely not the biggest in the marina. THAT boat took about five mooring spots and was at least three decks. 


Painting at Fish Tale marina

I have included here, two photos of my morning Wednesday, at the marina. As you can see I am just getting started on my three boats. What a great day!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Morning On Fort Myers Beach

This Wed. Morning we were again at Bowditch Park on the northern end of FMB. The shadows on the sand from the early morning sun, were perfect and then the kids who run the sea doo rental stand, put the sails up on the two sailboats they rent. I loved the splash of colour that added to the here it is. It is painted on a 11x14 board.


Parrot Key Revisited

When we painted at this restaurant, a few weeks ago, I posted the painting that I created there. After looking at my painting I decided I could do better. If you compare them you will see I simplified the buildings and added more tourists. I think the improved colours and structures of the palm trees also adds to this painting.

This is painted on a 12x16 board.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Parrot Key restaurant

This Wednesday, Feb.12, we painted at the Parrot Key restaurant. This is a popular eating spot on Back bay at FMB. We were all there early, about 8:30, and after we had chosen our spot for painting, we all got busy. it was a beautiful spot with a cloudless sky and a light breeze. I settled on the front entrance and so I was watching all the comings and goings for the morning. They were very busy with fishing charters, tours, rentals and guiding people around the marina. I have never seen such large yachts, and such interesting people! This is a result of my mornings work on an 11x14 board..


Friday, February 7, 2014

Lovers key State park

This Wednesday morning early, there was sea fog. A cool wind was blowing off the Gulf and we did not see the sun all morning. The fog seemed to rise up to make clouds as the morning progressed. I was fortunate enough to find a sheltered spot, out of the wind and this was the view I had. I enjoyed painting this one, even though the sun just did not appear.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Early Morning at Bowdich park

This morning, Jan 27, the weather finally turned. It is warm today and sunny, with soft breezes off the Gulf. We decided first thing to go to the beach. I set up my paints and my husband set off walking. What a pleasurable morning I had. The shadows were wonderful and I painted to my hearts content. After a couple of hours we went to Junkanoos for lunch. A sunny deck on the beach, a beer and a shrimp and crab meat wrap followed. What a satisfying way to spend a day. By the way, Junkanoos is a restaurant on the Gulf, with the biggest bar I have ever seen and a party reputation.